Entering Hypnosis: A Client’s Description

What is it really like to move from an ordinary waking state of consciousness to a hypnotic one? Many people ask that question. It can be difficult to give a general answer to the question of how hypnosis is induced because there are different hypnosis methods that result in different types of altered states of […]

“No one could ever hypnotize me”

Let’s examine this not entirely unusual claim in the light of what we know today about modern hypnosis. People’s ability to enter hypnotic states varies but anyone can learn hypnosis. In the past, it was believed that some, about twenty percent, could not make it, but luckily that is not true. With individually adapted preparation […]

The conscious subconscious

What or who is it that gets you out of bed when you wake up in the morning? Turning off the alarm clock before you’ve even woken up? Showering, getting dressed, doing all this that happens completely automatically without the slightest thought or intention? You might answer: It happens completely unconsciously. We look up the […]

Observation training – the first step on the way inward

We can sometimes understand phenomena and processes more easily if we imagine them in pictures and similes. I therefore ask you to imagine that you are like a fruit, e.g. a peach, with a skin, pulp and inside a core. The shell is what is usually called consciousness but which I prefer to call your […]

Hypnose – tilstand og metode

Då man talar om hypnos kan man syfta på två olika saker: • hypnos som metod • hypnos som tillstånd     Med hjälp av metoden hypnos kan man komma in i hypnotiska tillstånd. Om vi börjar med att betrakta hypnos som tillstånd kan vi tänka oss olika nivåer av medvetande. Beroende på vilken eller […]